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XML/XSL Editor

This application was distributed as a free 'proof-of-technology' by the customer in support of their efforts (as a member of the WC3 working group) to establish and promote XSL (eXtensible Style Language) as a standard method for displaying formatted XML documents.

The application supports editing of XSL style-sheets, hiding the details of XSL syntax from the user and presenting the elements of XSL in an organized and logical manner. The editing experience is enhanced by enabling the user to view the generated XSL source at any point and use the current style-sheet to format and preview an XML document in a web-browser. To make the editing process easier for novice users, XML Styler includes Wizards for style-sheets and for new XSL formatting rules.

Written before the Java/Swing libraries were released, this application was constructed with a combination of Java AWT, enhanced 3rd party classes, and custom controls. It featured a full set of modern GUI features, including tooltips, wizards, tree controls, tabbed-dialogs.